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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 37, Issue 6, pp. 1709-2048

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New Lyapunov Functionals of the Vlasov--Poisson System

Myeongju Chae and Seung-Yeal Ha

pp. 1709-1731

Coarsening Rates in Off-Critical Mixtures

Sergio Conti, Barbara Niethammer, and Felix Otto

pp. 1732-1741

Uniqueness of Weak Solutions of the Navier--Stokes Equations of Multidimensional, Compressible Flow

David Hoff

pp. 1742-1760

A Nonlinear Fourth-order Parabolic Equation with Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions

Maria Pia Gualdani, Ansgar Jüngel, and Giuseppe Toscani

pp. 1761-1779

On the Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions for a Vorticity Seeding Model

Luigi C. Berselli and Marco Romito

pp. 1780-1799

On the Geometry of Optimal Windows, with Special Focus on the Square

Almut Burchard and Jochen Denzler

pp. 1800-1827

On the Differential Equation uxxxx + uyyyy = f for an Anisotropic Stiff Material

B. Kawohl and G. Sweers

pp. 1828-1853

Quasi-neutral Limit of the Drift Diffusion Models for Semiconductors: The Case of General Sign-Changing Doping Profile

Shu Wang, Zhouping Xin, and Peter A. Markowich

pp. 1854-1889

On the Stolz--Adams Deconvolution Model for the Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows

A. Dunca and Y. Epshteyn

pp. 1890-1902

Lattice points on circles and discrete velocity models for the Boltzmann equation

Laura Fainsilber, Pär Kurlberg, and Bernt Wennberg

pp. 1903-1922

Mass Concentration Phenomenon for the Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension

Nikolaos Tzirakis

pp. 1923-1946

Free Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Wave Systems: Mach Stems for Interacting Shocks

Suncica Canic, Barbara Lee Keyfitz, and Eun Heui Kim

pp. 1947-1977

Convergence of an Algorithm for the Anisotropic and Crystalline Mean Curvature Flow

Antonin Chambolle and Matteo Novaga

pp. 1978-1987

Dissipative Symmetrizers of Hyperbolic Problems and Their Applications to Shock Waves and Characteristic Discontinuities

Yuri Trakhinin

pp. 1988-2024

Surfactant Spreading on Thin Viscous Films: Nonnegative Solutions of A Coupled Degenerate System

Harald Garcke and Sandra Wieland

pp. 2025-2048